Ubuntu demo too slow for working on IMX6...

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Ubuntu demo too slow for working on IMX6...

Contributor I

I am using Ubuntu Demo image, Oneiric 11.10 as the OS for the IMX6DL board.

This demo image is too slow for working. Is it because this is a demo image? what should i do to make it work faster?

Is this because I am using an SD card to boot up? Will it be faster if i put the OS image in the emmc?

What are the debian versions I can use? How do i install a different OS Image?

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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Yes, typically it's the SD card responsible for bad performance. Using eMMC or SATA disk will result in much higher speed and responsiveness.

For other questions, please check Linux documentation supplied for BSP.

Contributor I

Thanks Vladan, I'll try them.. are there any drivers or anything of that sort to speed up the graphics at least. I couldn't get the Wifi Working. That's not a problem with SD Card right? What should I do for that?

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