Ubuntu 12.04(Desktop) and Variscite imx6(Yocto).

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Ubuntu 12.04(Desktop) and Variscite imx6(Yocto).

1,452 次查看
Contributor I

Hi everybody, Actually have a Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop and Variscite imx6 solo Yocto, I am a new in this, i would like to know, how can i start  to develop a application in a variscite since Ubuntu with cross-compiled application, now work with Qt 5.7.0 but can´t run a Hello world or someone have a manual about this form the compiler please, thanks regards.

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1,169 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Alejandro

please check

VAR-SOM-MX6 Hello World - Variscite Wiki 

Best regards
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1,169 次查看
Contributor I

Hi igorpadykov‌, i work in the link of up and i can run hello word through of the terminal, but now i would like run a cross-compiled application to a variscite imx6 with Qt, but i display a error in the moment of run a example, the error is: Error while building/deploying project sample(kit:Yocto ARM), when executing step "qmake", any solution thanks, regards.

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