We have a design based on i.mx6dl. I am running latest JB on it. My screen is HDMI. Android comes up fine but the mouse is very slow with a choppy motion.
On that design, when I am using the same linux kernel on LTIB with X, the mouse runs perfectly. So I think my kernel is OK.
I am not sure where to look. When under android, "logcat" prints a _lot_ of these messages:
(E/FslHwcomposer( 2177): FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC error: Invalid argument).
I think that these error messages are worrysome. But I am not sure they are related to my mouse problem.
Any ideas,
-jf simon
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Are you using the latest JB BSP release that was provided by Freescale.
I am using a mouse and keyboard with an LVDS display and do not see the choppy behavior.
Best regards,
Hi Mahesh
Yes I am using the latest BSP.
I have a feeling the problem has to do with the new JB HW composer HAL. See Graphics | Android Developers
The HWcomposer makes a FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC ioctl the linux frame buffer and that doesn't work for some reason I am still unclear.