Hi people!! I'm just wondering how to flash android images on Linux systems. I downloaded android_jb4.2.2_1.0.0-ga_image_6qsabresd.tar.gz, then I used mksdcard-android.sh script to make the SD partitions and with fastboot I flashed android images, but it didn't work!! :smileysad:
I have several errors with fastboot, such as:
sending 'boot' (4782 KB)...
OKAY [ 4.707s]
writing 'boot'...
FAILED (remote: image too large for partition)
finished. total time: 4.717s
I need to flash android images on Linux (not Windows), that why I didn't use MfgTool2.exe.
Can someone help me with this?
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Hello, there are steps on how to do this in the android user guide (attached), around chapter 4 (page 10).
It explains how to create partitions and dd android to the SD . Let me know if you have questions.

Hello, there are steps on how to do this in the android user guide (attached), around chapter 4 (page 10).
It explains how to create partitions and dd android to the SD . Let me know if you have questions.