I have a custom iMX6q board running with L3.0.35_4.1.0 kernel. I am using Ltib. I have added qt4.6.0 to it and i am able to run a few applications,
However now I am trying to install QT 5 or above in Ltib L3.0.35_4.1.0
Can anyone tell me a procedure how to do it.
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There are two ways to archive this:
Either with Yocto (There is already a layer with all configs done for you, meta-qt5) or cross-compiling against a LTIB rootfs. For the primer, please follow the meta-freescale distribution list, for the latter there is a page on the community, look for 'qt5' results (https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-94066?).
There are two ways to archive this:
Either with Yocto (There is already a layer with all configs done for you, meta-qt5) or cross-compiling against a LTIB rootfs. For the primer, please follow the meta-freescale distribution list, for the latter there is a page on the community, look for 'qt5' results (https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-94066?).