Hello all,
I am using the IMX8ULP-EVK board for an embedded solution, where I need the boot time for linux to be very low (shooting for ~2 seconds), my application will involve booting the machine, doing meaningful work, and then turning off in a periodic cycle to decrease power consumption.
I am using Yocto Linux 6.6.23_2.0.0, and with the `core-image-minimal-dev` image, I am being taken to user login after about 12 seconds. Are there any guides I can follow to decrease the boot time? Are there any better images I can use that are more suitable for my application?
I am currently working on removing features from the image, as well as cutting down the kernel features, however I fear this will not be enough (current 2 second kernel boot time and ~12 second systemd boot time). Any guidance would be much appreciated.