IMX8MQ M4 core default GPIOs
01:39 AM
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Are any default GPIOs available for IMx8MQ in the M4 core test? If it is there can you provide the list of GPIOs in the M4 core? and also provide the which UART we can test for M4 core
1 返信
05:58 AM

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Hi @Saravanans1,
I hope you are doing well
To configure the peripheral for the M4 core, one can use the RDC. Please refer to section 3.2 Resource Domain Controller (RDC) from the Reference Manual IMX8MDQLQRM for more information.
By default, UART2 is configured for the M4 core as mentioned in the i.MX 8M EVK Board Hardware User's Guide, section 2.10. UART connector (J1701).
"On the EVK board, UART1_TXD & UART1_RXD are used to output serial debugging information for
A53-core. UART2_TXD & UART2_RXD are used to output serial debugging information for M4-core."
A53-core. UART2_TXD & UART2_RXD are used to output serial debugging information for M4-core."
Thanks & Regards,
Dhruvit Vasavada