Dear all
I am trying to build the BSP for our custom target based on the IMX8M Mini. I am facing the below build error. I have checked the concerned package's bitbake recipe and found that the mentioned dependency is already satisfied. But still the error gets thrown. Also I have tried 'bitbake wic-tools' as suggested in the error thrown but still I get the same error while building the final target image. Any hints ? TIA
My host machine is ubuntu 18.04(Details below)
hari@hari:~/projects/tx-nextgen/linux-yocto-bsp$ uname -a
Linux hari 5.4.0-42-generic #46~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 07:21:24 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Build error Log:
ERROR: nextgen-image-1.0-r0 do_image_wic: Execution of '/home/hari/projects/tx-nextgen/linux-yocto-bsp/build/tmp/work/imx8mmddr4evk-poky-linux/nextgen-image/1.0-r0/temp/run.do_image_wic.2491' failed with exit code 1:
INFO: Creating image(s)...
ERROR: A native program mkfs.ext4 required to build the image was not found (see details above).
Please make sure wic-tools have e2fsprogs-native in its DEPENDS, build it with 'bitbake wic-tools' and try again.
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/hari/projects/tx-nextgen/linux-yocto-bsp/build/tmp/work/imx8mmddr4evk-poky-linux/nextgen-image/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_image_wic.2491
Even after letting Yocto download the entire source freshly, I am facing the same issue. We have observed that the "mkfs.ext4" binary is available at this location below. Additinally,I have done repo sync few times to ensure download is complete.
The same binary is not available at this location below.
Under 'recipe-sysroot-native' I could only see the following binaries
├── agetty
├── blkid
├── blockdev
├── cfdisk
├── ctrlaltdel
├── fdisk
├── fsck
├── fstrim
├── hwclock
├── losetup
├── makedevs
├── mkswap
├── nologin
├── pivot_root
├── sulogin
├── swapoff
├── swapon
├── switch_root
├── vigr -> vipw.shadow
└── vipw
Which BSP version did you use, and attach your build commands.I will test the peocess.
We are using the version "imx_5.4.24_2.1.0". Below are the build instructions
cp ../sources/meta-tx-nextgen/files/$MACHINE/conf/* conf/
bitbake $IMAGE
I already attached the logs in this thread.
You can try to follow the yocto.pdf to build the image.
Hello Zhiming
Thanks for the reply.
1. I have installed all the host machine dependencies by following the Yocto project user's guide from the following link
2. I have seen the link where another person faced the same issue. The solution given to solve the issue i.e by adding IMAGE_FSTYPES = "ext4 wic.bz2" into the local.conf file. This change is already included in my local.conf file. I have attached my local.conf file in zip file attached.
3. I have attached the complete build log in attached zip file.
We tested the build process before.The problem may in the process of repo sync.Some file received may not success.You can try to redo the sync process.
I have issue 'repo sync' multiple times but I am facing the same issue.However, I could able to see the e2fsprogs-native binaries generated under the below path.
I mean you del the whole source code and download the source code again.Did your sync process had been interrupted?
Actually I took the download's directory from a colleague to save time in downloading. I can try to delete and let the yocto system download the sources and give a build.
If I build bitbake wic-tools separately, the build is completed. If I build the final image though, I keep getting the same error.
1.Make sure you have apt-get install all dependencies.(important)
2.You can see this simillar case and may people have this problem:
3.Give me your error log file, this error may caused by your bsp source incomplete.
Best Regards,