I want to boot the Windows CE image from SD card on i.MX53QSB,but the system can't run.

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I want to boot the Windows CE image from SD card on i.MX53QSB,but the system can't run.

Contributor I

   I want to boot the Windows CE image from SD card on i.MX53QSB。I use  these command to download the device.

cfimager -a -imx53 -d g -f D:\WINCE700\OSDesigns\iMX53_QSB\RelDir\Freescale_i_MX53_QSB_ARMV7_Release\eboot.nb0

cfimager -a -imx53 -d g -f D:\WINCE700\OSDesigns\iMX53_QSB\RelDir\Freescale_i_MX53_QSB_ARMV7_Release\nk.nb0.
the size of   eboot.nb0   is 512kb, the size of   NK.nb0  is 149MB.

The following messages are shown but the OS is not started. CE image boot remains the message "Download successful!  Jumping to image at 0x0 (physical   0x70200000).". How can I solve this problem?


INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZone

Mask: 0xb  

BSP Clock Configuration:      

OSC         =   24000000 Hz      

PLL1        =  800000000 Hz      

PLL2        =  600000000 Hz      

PLL3        =  400000000 Hz     

PLL4        =  595000000 Hz      

LP_APM      =   24000000 Hz      

ARM         =  800000000 Hz      

AXI_A       =  300000000 Hz      

AXI_B       =  200000000 Hz      

EMI_SLOW    =  120000000 Hz      

AHB         =  120000000 Hz      

IPG         =   60000000 Hz      

PERCLK      =    8000000 Hz      

CKIL_SYNC   =      32768 Hz      

DDR         =  300000000 Hz      

ARM_AXI     =  200000000 Hz      

IPU_HSP     =  200000000 Hz      

VPU_AXI     =  200000000 Hz      

GPU         =  200000000 Hz      

GPU2D       =  200000000 Hz      

DEBUG_APB   =  200000000 Hz      

ENFC        =   30000000 Hz      

USBOH3      =   66666666 Hz      

ESDHC1      =  100000000 Hz      

ESDHC2      =  100000000 Hz      

ESDHC3      =  100000000 Hz      

ESDHC4      =  100000000 Hz      

UART        =   24000000 Hz      

SSI1        =    6000000 Hz      

SSI2        =    6000000 Hz      

SSI3        =    6000000 Hz      

SSI_EXT1    =   24000000 Hz      

SSI_EXT2    =   19047619 Hz      

USB_PHY     =   24000000 Hz      

TVE_216_54  =  297500000 Hz      

DI0         =   50000000 Hz      

DI1         =  297500000 Hz      

VPU_RCLK    =   24000000 Hz      

SSI_LP_APM  =   24000000 Hz      

SPDIF_XTAL  =   24000000 Hz      

LDB_DIO     =  595000000 Hz      

LDB_DI1     =  595000000 Hz      

SPDIF0      =    1142857 Hz      

ESAI        =    3000000 Hz      

ESAI_HCKR   =          0 Hz      

ESAI_HCKT   =          0 Hz      

CAN         =   60000000 Hz      

FIRI        =   24000000 Hz      

CSI_MCLK1   =   25000000 Hz      

CSI_MCLK2   =   25000000 Hz      

ECSPI       =   66666666 Hz      

LPSR        =          0 Hz      

PGC         =    7500000 Hz      

ASRC        =   59500000 Hz      

IEEE_CEMX   =   40000000 Hz      

CKIH        =   22579200 Hz      

CKIH2       =          0 Hz    

Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader Common Library Version 1.4 Built May 30 2012 09:25:08  OALMc34708Pmic

I2cInit: Trying to init PMIC I2C Interface  

OALPmicInit: Trying to init I2C Interface  

MC34708 Version code : 14  

INFO: BoardID = 0xc03.  

INFO: EVK RevA board is not detected, switch ddr clock to 400MHz.  

INFO: Increasing CPU clock to 1.0 GHz.  

Microsoft Windows CE Ethernet Bootloader 1.30 for MX53 EVK (May 30 2012 09:29:20)  

Get The name for the external PHY is LAN8720  

INFO: SBMR = 0x10c63d45.  

INFO:  Bootloader launched from SD.  

ESDHC[1] is being activated...  

SD High Density card  

SD: Switched to 4 bit mode  

INFO: Initialized SD Card  

ATA device is not present 0x0  

WARNING: OEMPlatformInit: Failed to initialize ATA device.  

NAND ID is 0x3f3f3f3f  

NAND ID read out is 0x3f3f3f3f, doesn't meet 0xd52c which is expected.  

Failed to initialize NandFmd.  

WARNING: OEMPlatformInit: Failed to initialize NAND flash device.  

SPIFMD_Init: Manufacturer ID = 0x0   

SPIFMD_Init: Manufacturer ID is not supported yet  

WARNING: OEMPlatformInit: Failed to initialize SPI device.  

INFO: Loading boot configuration from SDHC  

INFO: Successfully loaded boot configuration from SDHC  

System ready!  Preparing for download...    

Press [ENTER] to launch image stored in SD/MMC or [SPACE] to cancel.    

Initiating image launch in 3 seconds.            

2 seconds.            1 seconds.            0 seconds.   

Launching flash image  ...   

-BLMenu .  INFO: Using device name: 'MX539730' 

INFO: Reading NK image to SDHC (please wait)...  

INFO: Copying NK image to RAM address 0xa0200000   

INFO: Read is 1% complete...

INFO: Read is 100% complete  

INFO: Copy of NK completed successfully 
 Either card is not eSD2.1, or boot partition is not created yet  Download successful!  
Jumping to image at 0x0 (physical 0x70200000)...  

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1 Reply

Contributor I

I find the message“Jumping to image at 0x0 (physical 0x70200000)... ” is located at OEMLaunch() which is located at \WINCE700\platform\iMX53_QSB\src\BOOTLOADER\common\main.c.I wirte an instruction that KITLOutputDebugString("Ready to Launch\r\n") before Launch(PhysAddress).So that the Serial debugging information add "Ready to Launch\r\n" at the end of the line.I find Launch(PhysAddress) jump to startup.s(bootloader).but I don't know how to debug assembly.

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