I had update rootfs/Kernel image and dtb successfully,
Rootfs/kernel Image and dtb are store in fat32 or ext4 partition,I can add information to sw-description to update them.
But u-boot store a raw data area, how to update u-boot by swupdate?
Any help will very useful for me thanks very much
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Hi @wang12zhe,
I hope you are doing well.
Dhruvit Vasavada
Hi @wang12zhe,
I hope you are doing well.
Dhruvit Vasavada
Thank you very much.
Refer the sw-description file in
Add below information to my sw-description
If Run "reboot" after update by swupdate, will show below from console
U-Boot SPL 2021.04-lf_v2021.04+g1c0116f3da (Sep 06 2021 - 08:48:23 +0000)
Normal Boot
Trying to boot from MMC1
Primary set selected
Parse seco container failed -14
Load image from MMC/SD 0x0
Any suggestion about this? Thanks very much.
Hi @wang12zhe
Dhruvit Vasavada