How to flash a binary to the QSPI flash without JTAG or MCU-boot utility

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How to flash a binary to the QSPI flash without JTAG or MCU-boot utility

Contributor II


I have iMXRT1060 EVK. I want to flash a binary to the QSPI flash on FLEXSPI1. 

I want to flash the flexspi_hyperflash SDK example. 

I know we have the usb to micro usb cable and can use that to download the image. But I believe when you use a P & E micro JTAG, the image goes in the SRAM. 

I dont want to use NXP-MCU boot utility and dont want to use JTAG. 

How do I create a release build with XIP and NON-XIP version and how can I burn the image to the flash? At what location? so that when I boot up, its still there in the flash?



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
1)Actually, it's impossible to program the image to the QSPI if you don't want to MCU-boot utility or debugger tools, definitely, you can contact OEM to program the flash to the QSPI directly, which is used in the mass manufacture phase.
2) How do I create a release build with XIP and NON-XIP version and how can I burn the image to the flash? At what location? so that when I boot up, its still there in the flash?
-- Please refer to the post to generate the image for either or Non-XIP mode.
Have a great day,

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