Dear Team,
Right now, I'm doing rootfs optimization in Yocto 'sumo' version (L4.14.62).
Now, my extracted rootfs size is "81MB" (including kernel Image 11MB).
While doing rootfs optimization, I have seen many 'hwdb' file. It's taking around 14MB (7.3M etc/udev/hwdb.bin and 5.9M lib/udev/hwdb.d/).
My question is,
Is 'hwdb' really needed ?
How to disable it permanently in Yocto ?
Thank You.
Best Regards,
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Hi, Raana
HWDB is mainly a database of device classes and vendors which generally prints udev properties to stdout.
You can remove these "hwdb" files in Yocto by adding following line in local.conf file.
Hi, Raana
HWDB is mainly a database of device classes and vendors which generally prints udev properties to stdout.
You can remove these "hwdb" files in Yocto by adding following line in local.conf file.