Hello, does anyone have a modified version of OBDS software to diagnose Micron MT29F1G08ABA NAND Flash memory? I'm try to evaluate my custom board with the same memory, but I dont know if I set the correct values into the file: "supported_nand_parts.inl".
After add the lines above in thto the "supported_nand_parts.inl" file, compile and put to run, when I try run the NAND Flash test the following message appear in the terminal:
Read NAND ID for CE0: ID for CE0, is 0x2c, 0xda, 0x90, 0x95, 0x6
** NAND device unrecognized!
/* chrdcv 2012-08-07 */
#if 1
// Micron MT29F1G08ABA 8-bit 4K page 1GB (8Gb) nand, 218B spare
/*device_id */ 0xDA2C,
/*device_id2 */ 0x9590,
/*device_id3 */ 0xFF06,
/*device_id4 */ 0xFFFF,
/*col_cycle*/ 2,
/*row_cycle*/ 3,
/*page_size */ 512*4,
/*spare_size */ 64,
/*pages_per_block */ 64,
/*block_size */ 64*2*1024,
/*block_count*/ 1 * 1024,
/*device_size*/ 0x10000000, // 1GB device
/*port_size */ MXC_NAND_8_BIT,
/*type */ NAND_SLC,
/*fis_start_addr*/ 0x100000, // first 1MB reserved
/*bi_off */ 7 * 512 + 300,
/*bbt_blk_max_nr*/ 4, // reserve 4 blocks for the bad block tables
/*vendor_info*/ "Micron MT29F1G08ABA 8-bit 2K page 1GB (8Gb) nand, 64B spare",