Favorite Embedded Timing and Profiling Tool?

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Favorite Embedded Timing and Profiling Tool?

Contributor I

Hi. I dev on an i.MX 1060.


Recently I had an issue wherein I was time constrained and didn't know which part of my code was taking the longest. I had control of GPIO anyway inside the program, so I set/unset the GPIO and measured timings with a Saleae Logic Analyzer. (Another piece of debug hardware which has saved my but more times than I can count)

My question is. This is the way I've done this kind of tight sub millisecond debugging in the past, however, I'd like to find an on-board utility that does this and I'd like to up my game.

Are there any tools that can code profile for me with sub ms accuracy? Commericial or otherwise. Does anything by Segger do this?

I'd also be willing to learn about fast ARM timers I can use for very accurate timing.

I've also resorted to RTOS timers for timing, but it just feels too clumsy and slow. I need something better.

It'd be great if this tools could be taken across the ARM ecosystem.

Thanks! so much.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @engi_2068 ,

MCUXpresso IDE has SWO profile function. I think this is fit for your case. Please see chapter 2 in MCUXpresso_IDE_SWO_Trace.pdf.




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