Error using Realtek RTL8723AE Wi-Fi mini-PCIe on I.MX7

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Error using Realtek RTL8723AE Wi-Fi mini-PCIe on I.MX7

Contributor I


When connecting PCI/PCIe devices to I.MX7 evaluation board, devices do not work for multiple reasons.


We tried to connect multiple devices, such as Realtek RTL8723AE Wi-Fi (rtlwifi module, included in Linux kernel) and National Instruments GPIB (tnt4882 module), and each device didn't work for various reasons. the Wi-Fi Realtek RTL8723AE didn't work because of RF-Kill hardware block, the GPIB was registered but did not actually operate the GPIB.


Trying the Wi-Fi card, we discovered that the PCI configuration space works, but mapped memory access returns all one-bit (FFFFFFFF...).
We tried to enable various CONFIG_PCI configurations in the kernel didn't change the situation.
dmesg gives seemingly correct results, BARs are assigned correctly. However, viewing the memory (both with mmap in user-space and ioremap in kernel-space) yields all one bits in the memory region that should be mapped. Upon inspection with a logic analyzer, no messages are sent through PCI for memory space . lspci, however, does send messages over PCI to retrieve configuration space correctly.


Any ideas why this shouldn't work?
Attached lspci results for Realtek Wi-Fi, /proc/config.gz, /proc/iomem, and dmesg output.


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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Danny,

   According to your logs, we can confirm PCIe on CPU side is correct, it means CPU can found PCIe device on BUS, but at the time, RTL8723AE Wi-Fi can't still work normally, you need to add RTL8723AE's driver to linux kernel, then the WIFI should work.

  you can use "netcfg" comand to check if the wlan can be listed, then use "iwconfig" to debug it.

Hope above information can help you!

Best Regards,


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