Enabling LAN on SABRE-2
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Recently we have purchased several SABRE-2 boards
(SABRE for Automotive Infotainment Based on the i.MX 6 Series for Automotive AVB Development), but having problem with its Ethernet card.
I think it has Atheros ENET PHY card in the box, and we are trying to use it to connect to the network, as we did with the older SABRE-AI baords.
The problem is, our software (Linux, build using FSL's BSP) does not seem to work as it is, and I wonder how I can configure it so that its LAN can be used.
Any pointer to document for this is highly appreciated.
(e.g. enabling driver, using specific Yocto recipe, specifying target machine model, etc.)
I am seeking solution for Ubuntu and Yocto (freespace BSP) - preferably for both.
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Well, imx6qpsabreauto configuration ought to boot as well on MCIMX6QAICPU1?
First of all, I want to confirm if one BSP image can support both MCIMX6QAICPU1 and MCIMX6QAICPU2...

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I just tried L3.14.52 with imx6qsabreauto MACHINE and board CPU2, and LAN is working. Also CPU1 with the same image.
It was my mistake, the imx6qpsabreauto does not work for the previously mentioned boards.
Which schematic revisions do you have?
Best Regards,
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Thank you very much for the comment.
Well give a try, but for double check, it seems there are 3 SABRE-AI boards for iMX6Q's.
1) is the old one we have been using, and 2) is the current one available from NXP.
3) is the one with iMX6QPlus CPU not yet available.
There are two 6Q-SABRE-AI configurations in Yocto BSP.
a) is the one we have been using for 1) board.
And, b) should be used not only for 3) but also for 2)?
(so that Atheros Ether daughter board, etc. are supported?)
And b) can be also used for both 1) and 2) boards?
Or for 1) we still need to use a)?
a) imx6qsabreauto
b) imx6qpsabreauto
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The Unbuntu we are using originated from the image that came with the image downloaded from freescale site.
Do we just need newer image for this, or different kind of image?
(For Ubuntu we are not re-building ourselves. Just using freescale provided binary.)
The yocto machine selecting is "imx6qsabreauto".

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Can you try with the image corresponding to the imx6qpsabreauto(Quad Plus)? If this .sdcard is not found you may need to generate it in Yocto with MACHINE=imx6qpsabreauto
Best Regards,

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Which BSP version are you using?
Best Regards,

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Also if you are using yocto, which MACHINE are you using?