I am currently working on a project to install and boot the Automotive Android OS that I got from NXP on a Toradex Apalis iMX8 board. I plan to use the Toradex Easy Installer (Tezi) for this process, and I would appreciate your guidance on the specific steps required to successfully boot the Android Automotive OS using Tezi.
Could you please provide any advice, documentation, or tips regarding:
1. The necessary files (e.g., bootloader, kernel, system image) required for the booting process.
2. Any configurations that need to be customized before booting.
3. Steps to start booting using Tezi.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
We use UUU tool to flash images in our EVK boards.
I suggest you refer to Toradex to get the corresponding documentation for Toradex Easy Installer and bring-up process.
Best regards.