BitBurner can't read the OTP after HAB closed

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BitBurner can't read the OTP after HAB closed

Contributor II


 I am working on HAB in my imx28. 

firstly, I can use the BitInit to program the SRK efuse value into HW_OCOTP_SRK .

Then I can use the BitBurner to read back the HW_OCOTP_SRK value. It was set to what I programed.

In AN4555, it said change the SEC_CONFIG to Closed to close the HAB.

In BitBurner ,I can't find the SEC_CONFIG OTP. There is only HAB_CONFIG(21:20) In HW_OCOTP_ROM7.


So in the bit_setting.txt of otp_burner ,I set  hw_ocotp_rom7[21:20] = 3. then use the BitInit to program the hw_ocotp_rom7[21:20] bit.

But after I program the hw_ocotp_rom7[21:20] , I power off and power on imx28. Open BitBurner ,It can't read all the OTP value any more.

My question is:

1.  hw_ocotp_rom7[21:20] = 3  is the correct way to set the SEC_CONFIG to Closed ?

2. After program the hw_ocotp_rom7[21:20] ,why the BitBurner can not work ? How can I check whether the HAB_CONFIG value is correct?

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2 Replies

Contributor I

Have you resolved this issue? I did the same operation on my imx280 board, and my key file is lost, so my board can not boot any more-_-||

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


  From section 3.1.6 (Secure Boot—Image Layout) of AN4555 :
"The SEC_CONFIG fuse field tells HAB whether the device is to boot securely or not. By setting this field
to Closed, i.MX28 will only allow a properly signed image to execute. In the Closed configuration the CSF
data component is mandatory and must be included in the image along with valid pointers in the IVT".

So, only signed images can run on the i.MX28 in the Closed state.  Usual  BitBurner is not signed.

Have a great day,

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