Battery Fuel Gauge monitor support in Lollipop

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Battery Fuel Gauge monitor support in Lollipop

969 次查看
Contributor III

Dear team,

We are using Lollipop 5.0.0 with Linux Kernel 3.10.53 in i.Mx6 DualLite.

But When booted, the native battery related informations is not showing properly, We checked the Settings screen, the battery status sits on "About Phone" option and there is no separate Battery Settings option.

Just want to know about where we can check this Fuel Gauge and Battery Management stuffs in Android JNI layer. There will be normally "com_android_server_BatteryService.cpp" under jni layer but we can't find it in the current version(5.0,0)

We are using bq34z100-g1 battery fuel gauge IC and the driver is working fine.  Checked using /sys/class entries, but can't able to locate the part where this battery gauge been monitored. Any help could be fine

Please help with this as we got stuck up with our activities

Thanks in advance


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