Android 9 init (early mount) stage error? Partition filesystem EXT2

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Android 9 init (early mount) stage error? Partition filesystem EXT2

Contributor II

Hey Guys,

I'm porting android 9 to our custom board based in imx6q-sabresd board. I have posted a question before as well for the error, for which I didn't get any solution yet. Here is the link to that.

I tried multiple ways and different things to get ahead, but nothing seems to workout.

Recently, I observed that when I flashed the images to sd-card using script or using UUU tools script or doing it manually, the filesystems of system and vendor partitions get converted to EXT2 filesystem rather then EXT4(as stated in User Guide).

It happens when I dd write the system or vendor (raw)image to their respective partition. Is it the reason the init process can't find these partitions?

If so, then how do I flash or make these partitions to EXT4?

Please reply early.

Thank You,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Biswas,

The default android file systems is EXT4 , if you have received Ext2 probably your are doing something wrong in you build, but however probably this link will help you:

Convert ext2/3 to ext4 - gHacks Tech News 


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