AR8031 Phy 1 not found on U-Boot
We are facing a problem with the AR8031 phy chip. It seems that the phy address is not properly recognized by u-boot.
Ethernet works on kernel as expected.
Phy address is set to 1 on our hardware, however when setting the PHY address to one on u-boot the following message appears:
U-Boot 2015.04-00132-g244c0eb-dirty (May 18 2016 - 15:58:37)
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: Phy 1 not found
When we change the phy address to 0 on u-boot, the output is the following:
U-Boot 2015.04-00132-g244c0eb-dirty (May 26 2016 - 18:15:43)
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Some weeks ago U-boot was recognizing the chip in phy address 1 and now it is working on phy address 0 without making any hardware changes.
Why is this happening?
Ethernet schematic:

what uboot is used, nxp bsps uboot-imx_v2015.04_4.1.15_1.0.0_ga
use address 1 as default for i.MX6 sabre reference boards:
uboot-imx.git - Freescale i.MX u-boot Tree
Best regards

I would suggest you to try 2016.05. If it does not work then you could post your code to the U-boot mailing list.