Descriptions on the issue:
No any problem, downloading images is OK.
Below lines will be showed on windows console:
flash the file of u-boot-imx8mq.imx to the partition of bootloader0
<waiting for any devices>
Then downloading operation stopped.
In order to help uses save development time, I tested above 2 commands for downloading images on windows 7 64bit and windows 10 64bit respectively.
Below is detailed steps for the operation:
(1) Switch SW802 on i.MX8MQ EMEK, set 1-4 off, 2-3 on
i.MX8MQ is at usb serial download mode.
(2) Connecting J1701 to PC USB by a USB OTG cable.
(3) Connecting J901(usb type c) to PC USB by a USB 3.0 cable.
(4) Plugging 12V@3.5A adapter into Power Jack (J902)
(5) Power on I.MX8MQ board via SW701 Switch
(1) Related windows drivers for i.MX8MQ MEK
Windows 7 64bit or windows 10 64bit will find new devices and begin to search and install corresponding drivers, like below:
Probably windows 10 64bit can’t automatically install CP2105 driver from official website of manufacture:
Then installed it manually.
(2) Power off i.MX8MQ MEK
(3) Installing winusb driver by zadig
According to method described in uuu.pdf, download zadig tool from, and install it to windows 7 64bit .
[Note] windows 10 64bit doesn’t need to install winusb driver.
Press “Install WCID Driver” Button
(4) Downloading Android SDK Manager
Download SDK Manager from :
After downloading it, decompress it, and run SDK Manager application:
Press OK.
Then press “Close”
Close SDK Manager Installation Guide .
Find the directory of SDK Manager installation, and enter into “platform-tools”, like below:
Copy items in blue rectangle to C:\windows\system
Copy items in red rectangle to C:\windows\system32
(1) Downloading android DEMO images for i.MX8MQ MEK
After downloading it, decompress it to a directory. Like below:
(2) Downloading UUU Tool
After downloading uuu.exe, copy it to the directory of android 9.0 demo image , see above.
(3) Run command “uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mq -a -e”
----Power on i.MX8MQ MEK.
----open a command line window
OK, done.
NXP TIC team Weidong Sun
According to this file, the problem of imx8mq evk platform is still not solved on my windows10 64-bit. It's still "waiting for any devices"!!