Fixing the Direction field for GPIOs on the I.MX V7 Pins Tool

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Fixing the Direction field for GPIOs on the I.MX V7 Pins Tool

Fixing the Direction field for GPIOs on the I.MX V7 Pins Tool

Some processor’s GPIO settings on the i.MX Pins Tool version 7 may not show allow to select direction and just show an option “Input/Output” as shown. This will be fixed, but the settings can be changed on the local processor data as a workaround.


For more information and documentation for the Pins Tool for i.MX please visit its home page on the link below:


First, find where the Pins Tool data package is stored. To do this open the Pins Tool and click Help > About. On the About screen click the Details button. Take also note of the name of the package that needs to be fixed.





Go to the location where the data package is stored and find the processor data. The file that would need to be updated is signal_configuration.xml


Find the GPIO pin data and change the directions from the string ““inOut”to the string “in out”. Then save this file.



 Close and reopen the Pins Tool. The direction on the updated package should now show the options Input and Output.



jamesbone‌, Inge, cómo le va? Cómo está actualmente el proceso de documentos? Lleva rato que no está el Document Staging area? Los publicamos directo? Aquí está un draft por si tiene alguna retro.

nxf54947‌, Bio_TICFSL‌, nxf46838israelhernandezJoseLuisPacrez, would you please help me give a quick glance at the document and providing your feedback, if there's any? And afterwared, would you please provide your approval?

jamesbone‌, I went ahead and ask for feedback to the team, I also included you on the approval list.

Luis and Israel, I'm not sure I tagged you correctly, there was a warning that you may not have access. Has anyone tagged them correctly that may tell me what's going on?


nxf63969‌ , sorry! Thanks Rubén for telling me how to look for the right Luis!

‎05-25-2020 09:32 AM