gstreamer-imx imxipuvideotransform for cropping

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gstreamer-imx imxipuvideotransform for cropping

Contributor II


I am trying to use gstreamer-imx plugins ( GStreamer version 1.10 ) on a imx6 board for cropping, scaling and streaming live camera videos using this pipeline :

gst-launch-1.0 -vvv imxv4l2videosrc fps=25 device=/dev/video0 crop-meta-x=0 crop-meta-y=0 crop-meta-width=1280 crop-meta-height=1024 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, format=UYVY ! imxipuvideotransform input-crop=true ! video/x-raw, width=1280, height=1024 ! rtpvrawpay mtu=9000 ! queue ! udpsink host=W.X.Y.Z port=portvalue auto-multicast=true multicast-iface=ifacevalue

Live datas are flowing and i am able to see the live videos using gstreamer on the client side but i am still unsure about how cropping and scaling are done. The visible image does not seem to be properly scaled nor cropped.

I have also tried to monitor the network data rate on the server side and surprised that cropping does not seem to reduce it ( but maybe it's not related at all to gstreamer-imx ).

I am not an expert of GStreamer but still i have the following question :

  • imxipuvideotransform applies scaling after cropping ?
  • imxipuvideotransform cropping is based on meta-data provided by the source meta properties but is the output format preserved or is the image size reduced after cropping ?
  • shall we expect to see the network traffic reduced after cropping ?

Thank you.

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