I'm using the "ble_fsci_blackbox" image with the USB-KW41Z and have a problem with receiving gatt notifications.
The device which the USB-KW41Z is connected to have 2 characteristics, one for data transmission towards the gatt-server (only write permissions) and one for receiving notifications from the gatt-server (only notify permissions).
Now the Problem is, the notification-only characteristics does not have a CCCD to write to / enable notifications as the client is authenticated before (by writing first to the write-only-characteristic) and therefore must be able to handle notifications (gatt server don't have to distinguish whether a client is able to process indications or not - it just sends one if authentication was successful).
While sniffing the BLE traffic I can see a "ATT Handle Value Notification" package on the air from the gatt-server towards the USB-KW41Z, but no NotificationCallback/Indication get triggered.
I registered the "GATTClient-RegisterNotificationCallback.Request" before any GATT operations and also (the GATT-Table is static and I actually know all the handles so first i tried directly writing to the handle) tried first discovering all services/characteristics (I thought, maybe internals need to know about all characteristics to be able to forward notifications on characteristic-handles) but with no success.
I'm expecting "GATTClient-Notification.Indication" but none is received although there is one "in the air".
I'm unable to change the behavior of the gatt-server / unable to implement a CCCD for the characteristic as it's given.
So I hacked myself into the FSCI-Blackbox sample application by compiling it by myself and running on the device and when I register a Notification-Callback by myself (i.e not "enable" it via FSCI but register one directly in code) I do reach my breakpoint - so the Notification is received and handle by the BLE-Stack but is NOT FORWARDED BY FSCI EVEN AFTER REGISTERING/ENABLING NotificationCallbacks!
It seems to me that is a bug in the fsci-ble implementation ...
The FSCI-BLE functions are referenced by "lib_ble_4-2_host_fsci_cm0p.a" - is there any code for this or is it only binary included within the SDK?
My workaround for this issue is following:
I added inside BleApp_Init() of ble_fsci_blackbox sample my own notification callback handler notificationCallback(...) and inside that callback-function I send the expected Notification-Indication ...
Should be fixed in lib_ble_4-2_host_fsci_cm0p.a !
void BleApp_Init(void)
/* Init serial manager */
/* Init FSCI */
/* Register BLE handlers in FSCI */
/* Register my own Notification-Callback */
#if gHkb_d
void notificationCallback(
deviceId_t deviceId, /*!< Device ID identifying the active connection. */
uint16_t characteristicValueHandle, /*!< Handle of the Characteristic Value attribute to be notified. */
uint8_t* aValue, /*!< The Characteristic value array. */
uint16_t valueLength /*!< Value array size. */
) {
clientPacketStructured_t* pClientPacket;
uint8_t* pBuffer;
/* Allocate the packet to be sent over UART */
pClientPacket = fsciBleAllocFsciPacket(
gFsciBleGattOpcodeGroup_c, // opCodeGroup
gBleGattEvtClientNotificationOpCode_c, // opCode
sizeof(deviceId_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) + valueLength // dataSize
if(NULL == pClientPacket)
pBuffer = &pClientPacket->payload[0];
// deviceId
*pBuffer = deviceId;
// characteristicValueHandle
pBuffer[0] = (uint8_t)((characteristicValueHandle) & 0xFF);
pBuffer[1] = (uint8_t)(((characteristicValueHandle) >> 8) & 0xFF);
pBuffer += 2;
// valueLength
pBuffer[0] = (uint8_t)((valueLength) & 0xFF);
pBuffer[1] = (uint8_t)(((valueLength) >> 8) & 0xFF);
pBuffer += 2;
// value
FLib_MemCpy(pBuffer, aValue, valueLength);
pBuffer += valueLength;
FSCI_transmitFormatedPacket(pClientPacket, 0);
Hi Chilipp,
What is the version that you are working on? Are you using the FRDM or the USB Dongle?
DId you look at the App_GattClientNotificationCallback? AppMain.c
Hi Mario,
as the title states I am using the USB-Dongle (USB-KW41Z) with SDK Version: KSDK 2.2.0 (2019-01-16).
I have not looked further at the App_GattClientNotificationCallback because to me it seems this is only for dispatching the notification from the Host-Thread to the Application-Thread.
The issue is already fixed by my approach and is working - so I think I will "not change my running system" :smileywink: