Mifare Plus EV1 personalization command

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Mifare Plus EV1 personalization command

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Contributor I

I am really new in Mifare family. currently i am trying to write some block in Mifare Plus Ev1 card.

The product description document they mention commands and their names but not the actual format of the commands. For example APDU command type or something.

Where can I find this information ?


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1,265 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Salim_Hossain 


Hope you are doing great, we have plenty and fully documentation regarding the Mifare plus devices, the only limitation is that is secured under NDA ( Non Disclosure Agreement) this means that all the information, tools and support should be handled using a secured communication channel and only to customers with active NDA. this documentation is in our Docstore platform but as explained  you need to sign an NDA first and then create an account in Docstore if you already have this account you can request this documentation by going through My access > access rights > select Mifare Plus > in the reason textbox a brief explanation about the documentation you are looking for. 


since this is a public forum we cannot discuss this details here, if you require help for the NDA process you can request an NDA in our internal case system and also once you have the NDA any details on the behavior of the device. 





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