i am using the FREEDOM-KW41Z with the frdmkw41z_wireless_examples_thread_router_eligible_device_freertos Example and for one of my applications i need to get the MAC-Address of this Device in the network, to get an unique ID for this board. Any Ideas where to find this address or the function to build it? Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
Hello estephania_martinez
this works fine for the THREAD examples! But i can't find an EUI or MAC that i could use for my application if I'm using the SDK-Examples wireless examples > bluetoth > ipv6_node and wireless examples > bluetoth > ipv6_router. Or am I wrong?
Best Regards,
I got it. :smileywink:
It is the eui. you can get this address with thr get eui in the shell.
You are right the eui Extended Unique Identifier it's the information you need.
Best Regards,