The code compiling software we used before is " Eclipse Platform Version: 3.4.2 ", Now the updated code compiling software is " BeyondStudio for NXP Eclipse Version 4v3v1 ".
Now we want to update the old library file with the library file of JN-SW-4168.
Now Compilation error: AppBuildMac_JN5168.ld:55: undefined symbol `_TSV_eOpen' referenced in expression.
The main difference is in "Library", our "Library" directory is shown:
Some static library files do not exist in JN-SW-4168 , We replaced the old static library with the static library in JN-SW-4168.,Some static libraries still use old static libraries,Is this the cause of the compilation error in the title?
Just to confirm, are you trying to migrate your project to Beyond Studio IDE but keeping your lib files?
Could you please provide the screen issue that you are seeing?
on the contrary,We want to still use Eclipse Platform and discard some old library files.
Is this what you want?
As you know, you are using some old libraries, the new libraries provide fixes that are not included.
You could try adding the tsv_pub.h