Hi Team,
Currently i'm working on Openthread Border router(Rasberrypi) with FRDMKW41Z as a radio.
I have gone through IOT SDK(Nrf5) for enabling the 6lowpan BLE Border router using raspbeery pi.
But they are connecting Bluetooth dongle with Bluetooth low energy support to Raspberry pi.
Here my requirement is like a OpenThread Border router with FRDM-KW41Z as a radio, i want to use BLE border router
with FRDM KW41Z NXP board as a ble radio.
Please provide inputs on how to enable the ble radio on FRDM-KW41Z.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Ramya,
Did you look at the HCI Black Box example that we provided?
Hi Mario,
I have flashed HCI Black box example to kw41z board, connected to Raspberrypi(installed Bluez stack).
Using hci command "hciattach /dev/ttyACM0 any 115200" i have attached the device.
"hciconfig hci0 up" using this command hci0 interface is up and runing.
then "hcitool -i hci0 lescan" i'm able to scan the other ble device(kw41z flashed with blood pressure sensor example).
But when i'm established connection using "hcitool -i hci0 lecc BA(bluetooth address of the device)", its giving connection timed out. not able to establish.
please help to resolve this issue.
Hi Ramya,
Please be sure that you are setting the connections parameters and if the other device is not setting any security.
Hi Mario,
Thanks for the reply.
i have followed ble demo by referring this link https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/IIoT_UG.pdf .
But i'm using Raspberry pi with KW41Z.
Problem here is i'm able to establish the connection using "hcitool -i hci0 lecc BA".
when i check the connection using "hcitool con" its not showing anything(means its immediately disconnecting).
I'm not able to establish a connection using "gatttool -t random -b 00:60:37:BE:50:40 -I"
its showing error "Error: connect error: Connection refused (111)".
Hi Ramya,
I ran by my side following the document and the connection is correct.
First I typed the gatttool -I command, then the connect command with the bd_address
~$ gatttool -I
[ ][ ][LE]> connect 00:60:37:A7:9A:EF
[ ][00:60:37:A7:9A:EF][LE]>
[ ][00:60:37:A7:9A:EF][LE]> connect 00:60:37:A7:9A:EF
HI Mario,
Thank you for the replay.
Using "bluetoothctl" command i'm able to connect using "gatttool" not able to connect.
i want to read the sensor data(humidity, gyro, accel) through i2c and send through ble using KW41Z.
please provide me any documents related to this.
Hi Ramya,
Please look at the drivers that we provided.
You could add to your Bluetooth Application, take as reference the temperature sensor how is adding the temperature measurement.
HI Mario,
Thanks for the reply.
Now BLE is working as I expected.
We have custom NXP(KW41Z) board with FAD antenna design.
Please can you help me, how we can enable the FAD antenna and test.
Hi Ramya,
Please look at the Hardware Design Considerations for MKW41Z/31Z/21Z BLE and IEEE 802.15.4 Devices
5. Design and Board Layout Considerations
Hi Mario.
Custom board already designed with FAD(Hardware is ready with FAD). I asked from software perspective how we can enable this feature and test.
Please can u share me the implementation details of FAD.
Hi Ramya,
If you want an example to test your design you could look at the HCI Black Box example that we provide.
In the Controller Mode, only the link layer runs on the KW41. The host protocol, profiles, and application all run on the external microcontroller or PC. These two components communicate via HCI. Generally, this mode is not used in the product design except for product testing.
Then you will need the Test tool and KW41 board. You will have a tester and tested device.
The test will be sent or received data to the other board and will provide the test results of the percentage data that was received or transmitted.
Note: This is not a certification test, but could give you an idea.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.