USB-KW41Z not enumerating as Mass Storage Device

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USB-KW41Z not enumerating as Mass Storage Device

Contributor II


I am using a couple of USB-KW41Z dongles, on wich the K22F and KW41-K firmwares were previously erased with a J-Link probe. Now I am trying to get them back to their original state, so that I can program them with a simple drag-and-drop procedure.

I have reflashed the K22F and KW41Z with the original sniffer files (\tools\wireless\binaries\sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f.bin and \tools\wireless\binaries\sniffer_usbkw41z_kw41z.bin respectively). The dongles work correctly as a sniffers with the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer and WireShark.

However I can't get them to enumate as a Mass Storage Device (I plug them while keeping the "KW41Z reset" button pressed and release it after a few seconds). They only show up as a Virtual COM Port in Windows 10's Device Manager.

What can be done to fix this?



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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi ‌, 

It is because you erased the bootloader that is pre-programmed in the K22F for the USB-KW41Z. You need to reprogram the K22F with the bootloader, then, drag and drop the OpenSDA application. So, here is what you need to do to recover MSD application. 

1. Program the "k22f_bl_crc_07132016.bin" attached to this post to the K22F through J-Link tool. 

2. Unplug and plug again the USB-KW41Z to the PC. K22F will be enumerated as a MSD, then, drag and drop the "43_OpenSDA_USB-KW41Z.bin" file. You can download this file from this link.  

3. Unplug and plug again the USB-KW41Z to the PC. You will have the SEGGER OpenSDA application programmed in the USB-KW41Z, so, now you should be able to program the KW41Z device through drag and drop KW41Z .bin files(MSD feature). Also, you should be able to debug KW41Z applications. 

In the future, if you require to program the sniffer application in the KW41Z. You need to perform the next steps. 

1. Drag and drop the "sniffer_usbkw41z_kw41z.bin" file (included in the KW41Z Connectivity Software package) to the MSD enumerated thanks to the OpenSDA application. 

2. Hold RESET button of the USB-KW41Z, then, unplug and plug the USB-KW41Z to your PC. K22F will enter in a bootloader mode. 

3. Drag and drop the "sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin" included in the KW41Z Connectivity Software package. This .bin file ensures that bootloader is not overwritten. 

Finally, if you want to flash the OpenSDA version again to the K22F of your USB-KW41Z. You need to perform the next:

1. Hold RESET button of the USB-KW41Z, then, unplug and plug the USB-KW41Z to your PC. K22F will enter in a bootloader mode. 

2. Drag and drop the "43_OpenSDA_USB-KW41Z.bin" file. You can download this file from this link

3. Unplug and plug again the USB-KW41Z to the PC. You will have the SEGGER OpenSDA application programmed in the USB-KW41Z, so, now you should be able to program the KW41Z device through drag and drop KW41Z .bin files(MSD feature). Also, you should be able to debug KW41Z applications. 

Please, let us know if you have any question or comment...

Please, mark as answered if this solved your issue. 

Thanks and best regards, 


Contributor II

Thanks Miguel for the detailled explanation, the .bin that you attached solved the problem.

Best regards,
