QN9090-UART_1 not sending any Tx data

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QN9090-UART_1 not sending any Tx data

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Contributor III

Hello there,

I am using the BLE example design "private_profile_server" and I would like to add a UART communication to the design.
After removing the default pins configuration for the UART_1 on (pins11-10) and the SPIF (pins17-21) , I set-up the pins for the UART_1 at pins 19-20

Then I use as UART example designs , two options:
- A)  UART_0 set-up on the same "private_profile_server" example design. This uses the Serial Manager Interface functions
-  B)  UART_0 set-up on  "usart_interrupt" example design. This uses the UART Drivers functions

Inside BleAppInit(), I initialize the UART_1 using option A) Serial Manager Interface functions:
Following the  Serial Manager Interface functions, and changing their parameters to the UART_1 like:
Serial_InitInterface(&gImp_UARTMsg, gSerialMgrUart_c, DEBUG_SERIAL_INTERFACE_INSTANCE);
Serial_SetBaudRate(gImp_UARTMsg, gUARTBaudRate115200_c);
Serial_Print(gAppSerMgrIf, "\r\nBleApp_Init(), UART_1 initialization value: ", gNoBlock_d);
Serial_PrintDec(gAppSerMgrIf, report_UART_1);

I would be expecting to get reported the same value than it does for the DEBUG_UART @ UART_0, this is '0':
BleApp_Init(), App UART initialized: 0
However, the Serial Manager reports that can not deal with 2 UARTs at the same time!!
BleApp_Init(), IMP UART initialization value: 3  ( gSerial_MaxInterfacesReached_c = 3)

As a second chance, inside BleAppInit(), I initialize the UART_1 using option B) UART drivers functions:
Following the UART Driver functions defined in the "uart_interrupt" example design and changing their parameters to the UART_1 like:

configImpUART.enableTx     = true;
configImpUART.enableRx     = true;
status_t uart_status = USART_Init(IMP_USART, &configImpUART, DEMO_USART_CLK_FREQ);
Serial_Print(gAppSerMgrIf, "\r\nIMP_Init_UART(), IMP UART initialization value: ", gNoBlock_d);
Serial_PrintDec(gAppSerMgrIf, uart_status);
/* Send g_tipString out. */
USART_WriteBlocking(IMP_USART, g_MsgString, (sizeof(g_MsgString) / sizeof(g_MsgString[0])) - 1);


The USART_Init() returns an status of the initialization process, which this time is as expected, '0':
BleApp_Init(), App UART initialized: 0
IMP_Init_UART(), IMP UART initialization value: 0 (Great I though!!)

But when the next command sends a string to be printed in the UART_1 port, my COM terminal does not print out anything.

I have checked the UART adapter on the Debug port where I can see the same message than at the MCUXpresso IDE
Attached the provate_profile-server.c file I am using for your review

Any ideas why: 
Serial Manager Interface functions,  do not allow more than 1 UART to be managed?
UART Drivers functions seem to set-up UART_1 correctly but no message is being send via Tx port/pin?


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1 Solution
Contributor III

I found out the problem was due to the HW pin initialization not being applied.
After updating the pins via the MCUXpresso 'Config Tool' using my own Pins Group = PinsFunc_1, the function created by the tools with the new pins configuration needs to be called on the SW App code.


Calling the additional UART pins configuration on the code




View solution in original post

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1 Reply
Contributor III

I found out the problem was due to the HW pin initialization not being applied.
After updating the pins via the MCUXpresso 'Config Tool' using my own Pins Group = PinsFunc_1, the function created by the tools with the new pins configuration needs to be called on the SW App code.


Calling the additional UART pins configuration on the code




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