OM15080-K32W Led_blinky demo in MCUXpresso not working

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OM15080-K32W Led_blinky demo in MCUXpresso not working

3,166 次查看
Contributor II

I'm evaluating this OM15080-K32W USB dongle and I tried using MCUXpresso IDE to generate the binary for jn5189dk6_led_blinky_for_usb_dongle sample app, which after build and flash using dk6programmer tool the device does nothing...

dk6programmer -s COM10 -p led_blinky.bin

I also have downloaded the SDK_2.6.1_JN5189DK6 in zip file format, which contains the .bin of the sample apps, which after flashing using the same procedure with dk6programmer it worked correctly, which makes me think that something is wrong with MCUXpresso project configuration.

The project builds correctly and there is no warning signs... I'm new to this environment and any help on where to start to track the project issue would be really appreciated.

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Contributor II

I'm not sure if my previous reply got added correctly as the site does not shows properly (there is a problem in the format of the site, i have share it with other partners and they see it with the same bad format...).

So, I tried using the pinout of the dongle in board.h and noted the LED configuration so I drive pin4 low and 10 high and vice versa to toggle the LEDs, but this does not works either, so I am using now k32w projects which is the right MCU, and use the board.h definitions for GPIOs but still I cannot make ti work, is there anything else I can try? Can you tell what is the most straight forward example that I can compile using MCUXpress for this board? (note, I cannot select the usb board for any project for k32w, so I have to select the DK) I also have been looking for the ControlBridge mentioned in section 6 but I cannot find it neither.

Again, thanks for the help!

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



You can find several application notes for the K32W and ZigBee in the documentation tab of the IC .


K32W061/41 MCUs for Zigbee®, Thread, and Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.0 |NXP Multiprotocol RF | NXP


There you can find the Control Bridge one as well as a document explaining how to deploy the example.


Regards ,


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3,071 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks for sharing the link, I have tested the binary contained there and it works perfectly, it seems that we can use the binary as it is, but I would like to know how to compile the source code in case that I need to modify parts of it or to understand better what exactly the API does.

Can you tell where do I need to place the application note content? (do I need to extract it or I need to place the zip file?)


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NXP TechSupport



In the same software package you will find a documentation folder with more details on this project. Still, if you will be developing a ZigBee network I would recommend you to start with the AN.


Zigbee 3.0 Developing Devices 


There you will find a step by step guidance on how to achieve it , there are some sefinitions that you can change in the makefile so you can use the USB instead of the mezzanine board.


Hope this helps.



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3,123 次查看
Contributor II

Ok, perhaps I got confused and installed the jn5189 sdk instead...

I have now installed the k32w sdk, in which I found the following project k32w061dk6_led_blinky which again after flashing, it does not do anything... perhaps I have to map the pinout of the device as it seems the usb dongle board is not available as part of the k32w sdk?

My final goal is to create a Zigbee Network Processor in the dongle and interact with it over serial, which would be a good starting point for that?

I guessing k32w061dk6_zigbee_router_bm, but I am trying to run something simple first... thanks for the your help Estephania.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport




You can make the build for the USB , you will need to change some options but there is already the pinout implementation.


Could you please try using the control bridge? Or, could you please check the lead_blinky ?


You can check more information in chapter 6 of this user guide.


I believe you will be successful with those .






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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Is there a specific reason why you are using the JN5189 SDK and not the K32W SDK?


