KW38 - failed to upload image on IoT toolbox for otap purpose due to size problem

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KW38 - failed to upload image on IoT toolbox for otap purpose due to size problem

Contributor III


I integrate the OTAP client service into my central device project and attempt to reprogram KW38 using the OTAP Client Software.

When S19 file is generated from the project, its size is 950KB because some additional functions I added into it for the use of my case.

But my project is only occupied with 318KB in program flash so it would not be a problem.

After pair and bond with an Android device successfully, I try to open the S19 file in IoT toolbox but it failed and disconnected immediately.

And then I try to open another S19 file whose size is 796KB, it success.

How can I upload a S19 file over 950KB to IoT toolbox app?


Thank you for helping!


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Lincoln ,

Is it possible that you could share console logs details?

Did you compile the release option?


You could erase some drivers that you don't need. in this example, release mode, you can see that the code needs less than the 50% of the flash.




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