chipset : NXP 88W8997
Channels required for FCC DFS test (required by FCC certified company)
1) For 20MHz bandwidth systems, use Channel
52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144.
2) For 40MHz bandwidth systems, use Channel 54, 62, 102, 110, 118, 126, 134, 142.
3) For 80MHz bandwidth systems, use Channel 58, 106, 122, 138.
4) Test completed for Bandwidth 20MHz. The test is stopped because the corresponding channel of 40MHz/80MHz is not set.
Approved FCC-ID for NXP 88W8997: UAY-W8997-M1216
According to the FCC DFS TEST Report found with the above FCC ID (, the DFS test was performed on Channel 106 (5530MHz CF) as shown below.
1) Test-Report-DFS-pdf-3270029.pdf, page. 18 to 22
Is the 40MHz/80MHz channel supported?
Could you please help me with more details on which driver and software version are you using ?
Check the version
is this right?
wlan: version = PCIE8897-16.68.1.p88-C2615C110-GPL-(FP68)
Could you please help us check the internal information provided?
00471422 Case is already open.
How do I check the version?