I followed the instructions in the "Vybrid DS-5 Getting Started Guide" on how to setup an example project in ARM DS-5 to have the tower board use the DDR. I got this working but then decided to add #include "arm_math.h" to the vectors_m4.c file and got the below error:
! Failed to load "dual_core_ds5.axf"
! Failed to write 11,088 bytes to address S:0x80000000 while writing block of 4,096 bytes to address S:0x80000000
! Verify error on memory operation.
I deleted the #include "arm_math.h" and I still get this error. I checked my file system and see the .axf file at the location used by the "loadfile" command. Is this a bug in ARM DS-5?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
This issue was resolved by the fix suggested by the freescale support engineer from a support ticket I submitted. See below:
First of all accept our apologies for the delay,we have been swamped.
Let me see if I get this correctly.
We have seen this problem many times, it is related to CMSIS DAP and DS-5.
And it was even more frequent in DS-5 v 5.15. In case you are using this verion please locate the file
..../Program Files/DS-5/sw/debugger/configdb/Boards/Freescale/Vybrid VF6xx/rddi-dap-cfg_osda_cmsis_vybrid.txt
and in section [cmsis-dap-cfg] change
This issue was resolved by the fix suggested by the freescale support engineer from a support ticket I submitted. See below:
First of all accept our apologies for the delay,we have been swamped.
Let me see if I get this correctly.
We have seen this problem many times, it is related to CMSIS DAP and DS-5.
And it was even more frequent in DS-5 v 5.15. In case you are using this verion please locate the file
..../Program Files/DS-5/sw/debugger/configdb/Boards/Freescale/Vybrid VF6xx/rddi-dap-cfg_osda_cmsis_vybrid.txt
and in section [cmsis-dap-cfg] change
I'm facing the same issue with ARM DS-5 v5.18, I tried several Clock values with no success. I get the following error :
! Failed to load "Helloworld_CA5.axf"
! Failed to write 19 340 bytes to address S:0x80000000 while writing block of 4 096 bytes to address S:0x80000000
! Verify error on memory operation.
I also tried to write on the DDR using the memory tool. I'm able to read it and sometimes to write some zeros but most of times i get an error :
! Failed to write 4 bytes to address S:0x80000028
! Verify error on memory operation.
memory set S:0x80000054 0 {(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00}
! Failed to write 4 bytes to address S:0x80000054
! Verify error on memory operation.
memory set S:0x80000040 0 {(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00}
memory set S:0x80000058 0 {(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00}
! Failed to write 4 bytes to address S:0x80000058
! Verify error on memory operation.
memory set S:0x80000050 0 {(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00}
memory set S:0x800000BC 0 {(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00}
! Failed to write 4 bytes to address S:0x800000BC
! Verify error on memory operation.
memory set S:0x80000098 0 {(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00,(unsigned char)0x00}
! Failed to write 4 bytes to address S:0x80000098
! Verify error on memory operation.
Do you have any idea on the origin of this issue ?
Hello Max,
We have heard of issues when using DS-5 5.17 with building MQX projects; it may not be related to what you are experiencing, but we would recommend using DS-5 5.16 for now.
I was unable to locate the sample project you reference - can you share its source, or upload the sample project with your modifications?
Timesys Support
timesyssupport can you help to attend this case?