Hello !
Has anyone come across uboot serial errors over OpenSDA (at 115200bps) ?
The error does not exist at lower baud rates, in Linux, or if the TWR-SER interface is used for Cortex-A5 console output.
Have you ran the OOBE demo, this in Linux/MQX on both cores, each with a dedicated serial port, one using the TWR-SER, the other using the Virtual Serial Port, both running at 115200, I can't say I've noticed errors when using that, you can also use the jumpers on the rev G boards to swap the serial ports over so put A5 to TWR-SER or VSP to test bigger traffic.
It seems unlikely, but have you tried re-programming the app, or have you been able to test a second board?
Hi Ross,
In the default board configuration using OpenSDA for SCI UART, you will see errors in u-boot (eg the response to help command), or the console output when you boot linux.
If I swap jumpers so that SCI1 comes out to primary elevator (UART1) and to TWR-SER, there is no error.
The problem seems to be in OpenSDA.
Can you look into it please ?
Correction : the serial errors happen in Linux over OpenSDA too. So it looks like s CDC problem in OpenSDA.