Something wrong with u-boot loading procedure
I have the tower-board TWR-VF65GS10.
The first thing that I want to do is to load the u-boot.
I follow the guide that is on the freescale site:
1) I connect the tower-board, so it is seen as Bootloader
2) I move the virtual-to-serial file to the Bootloader
3) Take off the usb wire, reconnect the usb wire.Now it is seen as TWR-...
4) In the SD card, I use the command to insert the U-boot file. As described in the guide. I try to do with the u-boot file included in the Out Of The Box Demo, and also I have tried with the second procedure that i've found in this community
5) I Start Minicom in Linux,with root privileges,-o -s -w,setting USBACM0 as described in the guide.Is the right port.Reset the target,then I wait for the comunication between the host and the target. Nothing appear.
Probably I'm wrong with something basic, what do you think it could be?

There are jumpers J23, J24 which are extremely small. If they are set, the Vybrid serial port is routed to the bottom DB-9 connector and avoids the SDA CPU. Perhaps you had those jumper set. If they are parallel to the connector board edges, it is in direct serial mode. If they are at 90deg, then it uses ttyACM0 as you guess (unless you happen to have another USB serial device connected to the Linux host). Or as Ross said, your board may not even be booting which can be multiple issues.
The USBACM0 is probably most difficult to get working. If you place J23, J24 parallel to the connector boards and use the TW-SER DB9 pins and a regular ttyS0 type connection with mini-com you will probably get more reliable communications. We have had boards where the K20-SDA cpu's software is not functioning. In this mode, the ttyACM0 will not work; you may need to update the firmware on this device to get it to work. The ttyS0 is much simpler and is a direct connect to the Vybrid. I also get weird modem characters on ttyACM when switching from NAND boot to MMC (and vice-versa).
no problem on the USBACM0... if there will be some problem,when I will setup DS5, I will use TW-SER for debug,thanks for informations

Hi Alessandro,
It would be useful if you can provide some more detail on your set up. Where/when did you get your board, is this the CPU only board or the complete TWR kit with elevators and the TWR-SER or TWR-SER2 and TWR_RGB display board?
What revision of CPU card do you have, assumption would be this is rev G, look for the label on the bottom of the board SCH-27442 REV _ ?
If you have the full kit with RGB display module have you been able to assemble the kit and run the OOBE with the supplied micro SD card, do you see a flash screen and then the demo come to life with touchscreen inteface etc?
In theory you should have to do nothing with a new kit except assemble, insert SD card and power on, are you using a dual headed USB cable with both heads plugged in?
What environment are you using, native Linux machine or virtual environment set up, if virtual have you connected your serial interface to your virtual machine, what settings have you used for you serial port, how did you determine the serial port to use etc, can you try using a Window's terminal to eliminate some of these possibilities?
There are a lot more questions I could ask, but please try to provide a more detailed description of your set up first, this will help.
Thanks a lot, I finally have found that, the TWR-SER interface was not setted well ,probably because it is intended for using with K70,K60 and so on.. Unfortunately I haven't found a TWR-..-PRO board then I bought a TWR-KIT plus a TWR-LCD-RGB.Now I'm going to run linux on the host,then try to set the right pin on the SER module,to be able to debug MQX,I will say what pins are to be changed in next answer