I am developing a VF3x based for cash register HW. I expected the Ext_POR pin as an external power on reset pin and connected a reset chip's reset signal out to it. In latest document "http://cache.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/data_sheet/VYBRIDFSERIESEC.pdf?fpsp=1&WT_TYPE=..." It is written that this pin is for factory use only, tie it to GND. Should I connect my RESET signal to RESET_B/RESET_OUT pin? or May I still use Ext_POR pin to reset the Vybrid?
Best regards
Mehmet Ali Ipin.
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Dear Mehmet,
The pin you are interested in is the "RESETB/RESET_OUT" one (please, refer to the Tower VF65GS10 - Schematics on the TWR-VF65GS10-DS5 Product Summary Page).
(Indeed, the most common interpretation of the "POR" abbreviation is "Power-ON Reset", which is a bit confusing in this case...)
Regards, Naoum Gitnik.
Dear Mehmet,
The pin you are interested in is the "RESETB/RESET_OUT" one (please, refer to the Tower VF65GS10 - Schematics on the TWR-VF65GS10-DS5 Product Summary Page).
(Indeed, the most common interpretation of the "POR" abbreviation is "Power-ON Reset", which is a bit confusing in this case...)
Regards, Naoum Gitnik.