VIT Wake Word Engine (WWE) and Voice Command Engines (VCE) FAQ

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VIT Wake Word Engine (WWE) and Voice Command Engines (VCE) FAQ

VIT Wake Word Engine (WWE) and Voice Command Engines (VCE) FAQ

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VIT Wake Word Engine (WWE) and Voice Command Engines (VCE) FAQ


Q: What is VIT Wake Word and Voice Command Engines?

Voice Intelligent Technology (VIT) Wake Word and Voice Command Engines are free, ready to use voice UI engines. They enable customer-defined wake words and commands using free online tools.

Q: How can I get VIT Wake Word or VIT Voice Command library?

The library and voice control software package is delivered via the MCUXpresso SDK or Linux BSP.

Q: Does VIT Wake Word and Voice Command support multiple microphones or audio front end?

VIT Wake Word and Voice Command can be easily configured with VoiceSeeker, a multi-mic audio front end supporting far-field operation.

Q: Which NXP processors can VIT Wake Word and Voice Command run on?

VIT Wake Word and Voice Command engine runs on multiple i.MX RT Crossover MCUs, LPC55S6x or i.MX8M Mini and Plus MPUs.

Q: What languages are supported

Currently we are supporting English, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, Turkish and Italian.

Q: What is the maximum number of commands that can be used?

VIT Voice Command engine supports up to thirty commands.

Q: What is the maximum number of wake words that can be used?

VIT Wake Word engine supports up to three wake words.

‎09-22-2023 07:19 AM