[T2080] : Unable to connect CodeWarrior JTAG

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[T2080] : Unable to connect CodeWarrior JTAG

Contributor II

Hi NXP Support Team,

I am using NXP T2080 processor card and CodeWarrior TAP JTAG to connect to the processor.

I have created a new bareboard project for QorIQ target following new project wizards from File->New->CodeWarrior Bareboard Project Wizard.

When trying to connect CodeWarrior to the target from Run->Debug Configurations->CodeWarrior-><project>-core0_SRAM_<processor>_Download->Debug, Unable to connect

Please find the below Error observation:

  1. While connecting via CTAP [UART] :
     Error launching t2_demo-core00_SRAM_T2080_Download
    CCSProtocolPlugin : Could not connect to the probe (or other debug link)
    [CCS last error: CC driver failure ]
  2. While connecting via Ethernet :   
     Error launching t2_demo-core00_SRAM_T2080_Download
    CCSProtocolPlugin : Resource unavailable
    [CCS last error: Resource Unavailable]

On the CCS console tried giving the below commands still the result was resource unavailable

delete all
config cc cwtap
ccs::config_chain t2080
source IDcode.tcl

Please do help us resolve this issue

Thanks and Regards,





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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

It seems that there is problem with CCS USB driver on your host.

Please reinstall CodeWarrior for PA 10.5.1 on other host.

And change for other CodeWarrior TAP to do verification, it seems there is problem with your CodeWarrior TAP itself.

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