FRDM-K64F-AGM01 PC Connection Issues

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FRDM-K64F-AGM01 PC Connection Issues

Contributor I

I have the above sensor kit that I am trying to evaluate for a project but the device does not properly connect to my PC. So much for out of box demonstrations :/. There is another post of about connection issues on here for this device that I've been reading. Apparently I need to install J-Link Lite from Segger as one of the first steps. However when on Seggers site, there is no download for J-Link LITE (nor any real mention of it). I'm gathering I need to download J-Link OpenSDA, but looking to get confirmation whether that's the case. In addition there are multiple versions and I'm not sure which version I need (latest and greatest ok or do I need a previous version?). Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you in advance. 

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3 Replies

Contributor I

Hi Felipe, thank you for the response. I followed the link, and selected the appropriate board (FRDM-K64F). However several different links come up and I'm unsure which files I should be downloading here. Please confirm or provide feedback on whether the following is corect. It looks like I need to download the DAPLink rev0244 binary file (which I did). It looks like I need to have an IDE also present. I do have Segger for Arm v4.52 installed. Will that suffice? I'm also in need of Jlink since I'm using Segger? I clicked on the link under SeggerJLink v2 at the bottom of the list and the ensuing window also has several different links for Jlink. There are generic and board specific files for JLink. Which one should I be using? I'm guessin the one for OpenSDA v2 under the generic but need confirmation. Once I have the files that I need installed I can run through the rest and see if I can get it to work from there. Thanks for the assistance. 

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


As it is mentioned in the community post you need OpenSDA v2.2 bootloader which is the following.


Then you need to download latest J-link software and documentation pack from Segger from the link provided in the community post.


Once you've done this, you need to use external J-Link and J-Link commander to do the last steps described in the post.


I hope this helps. I you have more questions please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


First of all, I recommend you to check the Getting Started in the link below. In section 1.2 it is explained how to plug in your FRDM-K64-AGM01 Kit.

IoT Sensing SDK | NXP

If you are unable to debug your board using the default OpenSDA firmware and installing the appropriate drivers did not help, then it could be possible that your board is bricked due to known issue with the default firmware and Windows 10.

It has been reported that OpenSDA v2/2.1 bootloader could be corrupted when the board is plugged into a Windows 10 machine. For details and more information on resolving this issue, please refer to this community post. Arm Mbed DAPLink bootloaders and applications have been developed to address this compatibility issue.

Best regards,




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