Hi Sir
I will import the sample code s32k344 CAN bus sample code.
When enter debug mode, and the code will hang on startup.cm7.s?
My SDK version is the D2203.
I also chech the FlexCAN_ip, also hang on the same condition.
Would you share us the CAN sample code for S32K312 and S32K344?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
As your capture, the code is staying at end_of_eunit_test, which means the example has finished. It's a normal behavior and also proved that there was no problem with the example.
Best Regards,
Hi Nam
Would you share the CAN RX FIFO mode sample code?
As your capture, the code is staying at end_of_eunit_test, which means the example has finished. It's a normal behavior and also proved that there was no problem with the example.
Best Regards,