cannot see printf output on semihosting using jlink

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cannot see printf output on semihosting using jlink

Contributor I

Hello, I am using jlink with s32k3 on s32 design studio. When I create a new project using "new lib" and i use printf, i can see printf output on my debug console, but when use an existing project, i use printf then there is no output of printf on debug console. I searched on internet and came to know that I have to enable "newlib debug console" by clicking on project settings under Target processor->Library support as shown in the figured, but after even enabling the library I am not able to see printf output :

I also compared project settings of my older project where printf output is no displaying on console with the new project i created in which prints are visible, both settings are same but i am not able to see prints on my older project. Please help me what can go wrong?



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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


did you enabled the semihosting console in debug configurations? 



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