Where to find the SJA 1110 SDK (S32K344 T-Box) ?

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Where to find the SJA 1110 SDK (S32K344 T-Box) ?

Contributor II

I went from S32K344 T-Box to the SJA1110 page and under Resources I downloaded the SDK Training.


It says that

How To get it
Get Design Studio S32DS for S32 Platform v3.4: http://www.nxp.com/s32ds
Download SJA1110 SDK update site for S32 SDK for SJA1110 RTM 1.0.0
Enter code under https://www.nxp.com/activation
Software Licensing and Support View accounts Automotive SW - General
Purpose Software Development Kit

Download SJA1110 SDK patches (same location as above)


Every link doesnt work and I tried to check it under Secure Files and also under Standard Software Packages. There I downloaded the RealTimeDriver version 1.0.0, which made the example lwIP_SJA1110 work at building but I still cant find


Can somebody point me to the right location?

I also want to get familiar with the documentation.

It says:

"S32DS.3.4\S32DS\software\S32SDK_SJA1110_RTM_1.0.0\ReadMe.txt has the pointers
to all documentation"


Where can I find this? Im sry for asking but I find this website for documentations very confusing.

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3 Replies

Contributor I


I've the same problem as @Ojav. Where can I find the zip file with SJA1110 DEV-KIT?

Thank you very much

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ojav 

there were come changes recently, so not everything is probably up to date. In the past registration code was needed to download the SDK for SJA1110 - it could be obtained either from sales person or it was also included in development kit. The registration code is not needed anymore.

So, log into your account on nxp.com, the click on “My NXP Account -> Software and Licensing” -> “View Accounts” -> “Product Search” and then search for “SJA1110 RTM” or similar.

Then you can follow this Getting Started document which shows how to install SW packages to S32 Design Studio:


After installation, you can find the SDK here (this is what I have installed):


There's also "doc" folder with documentation.

Notice that latest version is 1.0.2 and this one is compatible with S32 Design Studio 3.5.

My older version 1.0.0 is compatible with S32 Design Studio 3.4. You can check Release Notes for details.



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Contributor II

I already checked this website and there is nothing:



I tried any search term "SJA", "1110", "SJA 1110", "SJA1110".


Can you maybe provide me the link?

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