We use FS2600 with S32K3 on our design, SDK ver 4.0.0. and S32DS ver 3.5 Build id: 240726, update 13. FreeRTOS is used as OS.
During initialisation , this code is called:
Std_ReturnType initFs26Driver()
Std_ReturnType retVal = E_NOT_OK;
/* Initializes the FS26 driver */
retVal = Sbc_fs26_Init(&Sbc_fs26_xConfig_BOARD_InitPeripherals);
if (retVal != E_OK)
return retVal;
/* Configures the device */
retVal |= Sbc_fs26_InitDevice();
if (retVal != E_OK)
return retVal;
/* Fault Error Counter should decrease to zero */
uint8 u8FaultErrorCounterValue = 0U;
retVal |= Sbc_fs26_GetFaultErrorCounterValue(&u8FaultErrorCounterValue);
if ((retVal != E_OK) || (u8FaultErrorCounterValue != 0U))
return retVal;
/* Sbc device should be in FS_STATES_FS0B_ASSERT */
Sbc_fs26_RxFrameType rxData = {0};
retVal |= Sbc_fs26_ReadRegister(TRUE, SBC_FS26_FS_STATES_ADDR, &rxData);
if((retVal != E_OK) || ((rxData.u16ReadData & SBC_FS26_FS_FS_STATES_MASK) != SBC_FS26_FS_FS_STATES_FS0B_ASSERT))
return retVal;
return E_OK;
Function Fails on Sbc_fs26_InitDevice(); specifically on Sbc_fs26_WaitInitFSClosed() -> Sbc_fs26_WaitInitFSClosed().
InitFS is not closed and the Sbc_fs26_GetDeviceState return FS_STATES_INIT_FS, as shown in image DeviceStateisInitFs.JPG.
attached the used configuration. can you please tell me why is this failing ?
Best regards.
Hello NXP team,
Any update on the above topic ?
During INIT phase you need refresh WD to decrease fault error counter into zero then close it,can you please verify your WD feeding wrong or correct?
Hello @guoweisun
im using the RTD APIs, the function from the RTD : Sbc_fs26_InitDevice(); already implement the logic you mentioned, however the
/* Close initialization phase by sending first watchdog refresh. */
eReturnValue = Sbc_fs26_WdRefresh();
is not called, and the Sbc_fs26_WaitInitFSClosed(); return a status error 0x1. could it be a wrong config ?
I am not software engineer here I only support FS26,for the FS26 enter into normal mode steps please see below picture,you can match the drive step by step to verify whether it works or not.