I'm using a custom build chain, using proprietary toolchain, that I launch from the command line (from my continuous integration system). I use tools from this toolchain to create an srec file from the linked elf.
I need to validate the output of the SREC generation and I've thought on using a different tool to generate again the srec and compare the two srec files obtained (build chain vs alternate tool). I have downloaded the S32K1 Design Studio (v3.5) hoping to get from there the tool needed, but all documentation I'm finding points on how to do it thorugh the IDE.
Which tool can be used to generate the srec file, out from an elf file, from the command line?
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you can use gnu objcopy -
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec my.elf my.srec
With default install path is objcopy located in c:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\S32DS\build_tools\gcc_v9.2\gcc-9.2-arm32-eabi\bin\ folder.
you can use gnu objcopy -
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec my.elf my.srec
With default install path is objcopy located in c:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\S32DS\build_tools\gcc_v9.2\gcc-9.2-arm32-eabi\bin\ folder.