I'm trying to put the MCU(S32K146) into STOP2 mode with CAN wake up. I'm using pretended network feature on CAN0.
I'm disabling all other peripherals except CAN0 before entering STOP2 power mode. But, the MCU resets after entering STOP2 mode with reset cause as SACKERR(stop acknowledge error).
If I try entering STOP2 mode with CAN0 disabled, I'm not seeing any reset.
I'm on RUN power mode before STOP2 entry and I followed the steps mentioned in the application note AN5425.
Also, Is there any way to identify which peripheral failed to acknowledge stop mode entry and caused the SACKERR reset?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Even after configuring pretended network, while entering STOP2 mode CAN bus didn't go into IDLE state. De-initializing and re-initializing CAN before configuring pretended network fixed this.
Even after configuring pretended network, while entering STOP2 mode CAN bus didn't go into IDLE state. De-initializing and re-initializing CAN before configuring pretended network fixed this.
Please refer to the Example S32K144 FlexCAN Pretended Networking STOP mode test S32DS.ARM.2.2
Best Regards,
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