I am creating a project with an S32K144 with the NXP supplied LIN stack and drivers. I have an LDF file, generated via export from NI XNet Database Editor, but S32DS gives a rather abrupt error of when trying to use it:
Issue: %error Error: BEV_LIN_File.ldf line: 91 "}"- Syntax Error...
Level: Error
Type: Tool problem
Tool: Peripherals
Origin: Peripherals
Resource: Sources
Information: %error Error: BEV_LIN_File.ldf line: 91 "}"- Syntax Error...
The line is a closing bracket for a "Node_attributes" section. I cant find any issues with the level of brackets or indeed any signs of an error within the file as a whole.
Is there a method of getting the S32DS tool to give a little more information on what it doesnt like to aid in finding this problem?
Kind regards
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Hi @partis,
Hi @partis,
Hi nxf78987
Many thanks for that.
Can you recommend a tool which allows the editing of this file via a "user friendly" GUI instead of a text editor, for use by our customer? We have used the National Instruments tool but generated LDFs which can not be used by the S32DS parser.
Kind regards
I do not think S32DS gives you more info on the error.
Can you specify the S32DS and SDK/RTD version you are using?
Also are you able to share the LDF file you have?
BR, Petr
I have attached an example LDF which fails to be read by S32DS. The versions are:
I have tried different permutations of brackets, identifier lengths, etc; but to no avail. I am sure this is something obvious once I know
Kind regards