I want to receive any length data by luart with the idle line interrupt and dma,but I found there's no - LPUART_INT_IDLE_LINE. in S32SDK_S32K1xx_RTM_3.0.0 ,whate can i do
Unfortunately, this option is not available in SDK software yet, sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause you. Still, you could try adding the support of this interrupt in the LPUART_DRV_IRQHandler.
In the SDK there's the next API used to enable the different interrupt modes,
LPUART_SetIntMode(base, LPUART_INT_IDLE_LINE, true);
Also, you will need to configure the CTRL[IDLECFG] and modify the interruption to receive this mode. For more information about this please check the section Idle length to know more about this mode.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon