im trying to test the CAN-FD example code in the cook book ( or in project from Example in the IDE) when using two s32kxx cards it works but when i try to use Canoe to receive the CAN-FD messages i get this :
this is the configuration i used in CANOE :
is there any changes i have to make in the driver configuration or in CANOE configuration so it can work ?
im using the example code given in the cook book, ISO CAN FD protocol is configured correctly in that example.
i tryied the configuration you have proposed for CBT and FDCBT it gaves me errors too :
in CANOE i choosed this configuration for arbitration phase :
and for data phase :
i've set the sample point to 80% in canoe, i get the same errors
Thanks for your help, it was a tranceiver delay compensation issue.